What do you need to enjoy life?

What do you need to enjoy life?
Time, Money and Good Health would be a good start
Creating the right ‘MILLIONAIRE MINDSET’ takes you forward

Your Attitude determines your Altitude:

Remember the saying:
The World Steps aside for those who know where they’re going.

Have you ever been in a public place when you desperately needed to use the loo! Imagine this scene: you stride into a busy, crowded corridor full of people milling around, all going in different directions, all with things on their minds, none of them paying you any attention. But you really, really must go to the loo. You know what happens? Even though you don’t say a word, when people catch the look in your eyes, let me tell you, they’ll step aside and let you through.

All of life is like that: if you really, really must do something, anything, people will step aside and let you at it. But you’ve got to decide where you’re going and have a serious intense drive to do it. You must be clear about your intentions. You’ve got to get your ‘ASK of LIFE’ in gear and go for it, as if your life depends on it! If you think you don’t have the confidence or the skills, you’ll gain the skills, everything is learnable. I read a story recently that explains better than I can:

In 1982 a seventy-seven-year-old great-grandmother named Edith Merrill had triple bypass surgery. Technically speaking, she didn’t survive the surgery, she fulfilled the definition of death whilst on the operating table, and she had to be resuscitated twice. When she came out from the anaesthesia her best friend was standing there holding her hand “Edith we almost lost you” she said gently. Edith looked up and said, “Well why did I make it?” I’ve nothing to live for. My husband died 12 years ago, my son lives the other side of the world, and I’m all alone. “Maybe, you’ve not fulfilled your purpose yet,” said her friend.

A little more than a year later, whilst she and three of her neighbours were taking a short flight in a little four-seater plane, one of the group suffered a heart attack from which he never recovered. As shocking as this was, there was a detail that made it even more frightening, he was the pilot. Edith just happened to be sitting in the co-pilots seat. She was not a pilot; she had no more experience of piloting an aeroplane than you or me. But what was she to do? With the help of a flight instructor on the ground talking her down, Edith piloted the craft for more than two hours, including through thick zero visibility cloud. When she floated in and made a perfect three-point landing a waiting crowd were screaming congratulations and giving her the A-OK thumbs up.

Jack Seeley the flight instructor who talked Edith down said later in an interview “I learned later that the last time Edith had been in an aeroplane was fifty years earlier and then only as a passenger. If I had known that the woman I had been talking to on the radio was seventy-seven years old, to be honest I probably would not have given her any hope of being successful in landing the aeroplane” Good thing he didn’t ask her how old she was.

What’s this all about?


YOUR future

YOUR ask of life

The moral to the story is…

“Just do it!

When the quality of the rest of your life depends on it, you will learn to do whatever it takes, you’re never too old, you have access to everything you need to be successful, so go for it!”